Hong Kong Hospitality Awards 2024

Elevate your hospitality business to new heights at the Hong Kong Hospitality Awards. Register now to gain industry recognition and network with esteemed professionals in the hotel, restaurant, and spa sectors. Elevate Your Hong Kong Experience! Join the Hong Kong Hotel Awards and have access to top-rated hotels, award-winning restaurants, world-class spas, and exceptional hospitality. Register now and unlock unforgettable moments!

Travel Industry
Recognise & Reward the excellent performers in the Travel & Tourism industry such Hotels / Resorts, Tourism Boards, Travel Companies, Attractions & etc.
Restaurant & Food Industry
Recognise & Reward the best service providers in the restaurant & food industry around the world. The nominees are from individual restaurants to multi-country restaurant chains
Wellness & Spa Industry
Identify the best performers in the Wellness and Spa industry and reward them to promote their spa brand globally to the next great heights.
General Manager
The World GM Awards is crafted to recognise the outstanding General Managers from the Hospitality industry such as Luxury Hotels, Resorts, Villas, 5 / 4 / 3 Star Hotels, Restaurants, Spa & Wellness.

Hong Kong’s Hospitality industry growth
Nestled in the beautiful land of Hong Kong, its innate hospitality industry is poised for an evident as well as natural growth. The sublime beauty of the land will of course do its bit. Based on the REVPAR reports, Hong Kong’s hotel industry seems to make a leap for an exemplary 63.5% growth ratio. Hong Kong is an ideal place where you can have room for boutique hotels, luxury hotels, destination hotels, lifestyle hotels etc. if you would like to know more on such opportunities, you should have your thoughts to join Hong Kong Hospitality Awards.
International Travel Awards
 Benefits of participating in Hospitality Award Program
When you get appreciated with an international travel award of stature such as Hospitality awards in Hong Kong, you succeed in proving the eminence of your exquisite hospitality services in an instant.  As per industry analysis, home grown companies dominate this particular sphere in accompaniment with international players as well. A Hospitality industry award will help you get rooted in your niche by providing you with more networking opportunities.
Hotel Awards and Hotel industry growth in Hong Kong 
It is fascinating that the hotel industry has exhibited a remarkable growth in Hong Kong and it is more than 7.7% on average. Considering the budgetary aspects, different buying patterns of divergent consumer groups, you can conjecture that the demands for ensemble and well-equipped service providers would be on the rise now. You will be in need of efficient business models and commercial support to take your hospitality business in the next league. That is where a Hospitality industry award will be useful.
Spa & Wellness Sector: Spa and Spa industry growth in Hong Kong 
Spa treatment is actually gaining momentum in the inner circles of Hong Kong in a progressive manner. Spa owners in this part of the world are making it a habit to entail holistic spa treatment methods that would cater maximum amount of relaxation to the guest or the respective clients. Spa business happens to be an important part of the overall hospitality business in Hong Kong. If you want to ignite a trail of excellence in this field, you can take part in Hospitality industry award and prove your ownership in your field. 
Restaurant Sector: Restaurant Sector in the Hong kong 
The compelling world of Hong Kong restaurants will compile aromatic spices as well as exotic ingredients. Thus, international traveling communities always relish some sort of a fetish for this magnetic sector. You need to grab these opportunities in front of you with the Hong Kong Hospitality industry award.

Inviting Best Hospitality Companies for Hong Kong Hospitality Awards

Showcase your hotel, restaurant, spa, or hospitality business on the prestigious Hong Kong Hospitality Awards stage. Be part of Hong Kong's premier hospitality event - nominate your company now!

GTA - Hong Kong Hotel Awards Nominees & Winners

Location Company Name Industry Award Category

Registrations Open for Hong Kong Hospitality Awards

Boost Your Business's Credibility in the Hospitality Industry. Gain Industry-wide Recognition at the Hong Kong Hospitality Awards!

GTA - Hong Kong Spa Awards Nominees & Winners

Location Company Name Industry Award Category

Nominate Your Hotel for Hong Kong Hospitality Awards

Gain recognition for culinary excellence: Nominate your restaurant and let the Hong Kong Hospitality Awards celebrate your exceptional cuisine, enticing food lovers from around the world.

GTA - Hong Kong Restaurant Awards Nominees & Winners

Location Company Name Industry Award Category

GTA - Hong Kong Travel Awards Winner Testimonial

Dzimbahwe Guest Lodge

Gromaxx Hotels Management LLC

RAF Hotel Apartments LLC

The Grand Palace Suites - Hotel

GTA - Hong Kong Hospitality Awards Winner Testimonial

The Granite Luxury Hotel

The S Holiday Homes

Azimut Tour Operator & DMC


Enter into Hong Kong Hospitality Awards

Make a lasting impression on your customers and industry professionals. Enter the Hong Kong Hospitality Awards and let your excellence shine.

Cities Participating in Hong Kong Hospitality Awards

Hong Kong